The subject matter of contractual relationships accounts for the greatest part of work of all the Firm’s lawyers. They mainly deal with purchase contracts, contracts for work, shipping contracts, mandatory contracts, as well as contracts providing for the funding of individual clients‘ projects.



Commercial Law

Besides structured business transactions, the Firm provides consulting in the acquisition of corporations or transformation of companies.

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Real Estate & Construction Law

As part of the investment activities of the Firm’s clients, its lawyers provide consulting e.g. regarding the purchase of land,...

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International Business Law

One of the Firm’s specializations is also the international business law, in particular the law of international transport,...

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Public Procurements

K&A ensures services for both procurement authorities and tenderers and its services include all actions and advisory required for the area of public procurements.

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Labour Law

The Firm’s lawyers have a wealth of experience in the sphere of labour law, especially regarding employment, negotiation, changes, and termination of employment contracts...

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Insurance Law

Risk management is another domain K&A’s lawyers have got to know thanks to their close relationship with one of the biggest production plants in the Czech Republic.

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Tax Law

As far as taxes are concerned, we provide mostly services relating to proceedings before tax administration authorities, representing clients in court proceedings

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Copyright and Industrial Property Rights

Within the copyright, the firm specializes in creating and reviewing licence agreements for copyright works, review of rights for remuneration in relation to making copies...

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The firm dispute agenda is not limited just to business matters. Furthermore, we represent clients particularly in business disputes and in the area of real estate disputes,...

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Law of Contracts

The subject matter of contractual relationships accounts for the greatest part of work of all the Firm’s lawyers.

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copyright kopie

Media law

The office provides legal advice regarding media regulation, not only in the area of press law and radio and television broadcasting, but also on new media related to technical progress, globalization and the growth of information channels via the Internet.

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    +420 273 134 333